What is the Children and Young People Active Lives Survey?  

Active Lives Children and Young People Survey is a Sport England initiative and published annually, measuring and summarising the activity levels of 5 to 16-year-olds in England during the academic year.  

The insight collated by the Children and Young People Active Lives Survey is used to provide policymakers, local authorities, government departments, and the entire sport and physical activity sector with the insight and knowledge into the physical activity habits of children and young people. Giving a unique and comprehensive view with key data of how children and young people are getting active which helps us to understand their attitudes and behaviours around sport and activity. 

The Chief Medical Officer guidelines suggest that an average of 60+ minutes a day of sport and physical activity which constitutes an 'Active' child. The most recent national Children and Young People report can be found here

Tyne and Wear and Northumberland Schools

What this means for your school:

The below schools have been selected by Sport England to participate in the active lives survey during the Autumn term 2022.

The survey is used to monitor how active young people are, which provides Sport England along with other partners valuable information to help get more young people more active. The survey results provided will be part of a national survey and are not to monitor specific schools, all schools and age groups have been randomly selected. Any data that is published will not identify individual schools.

A Sports equipment incentive voucher for your school to choose, to help further enhance the active opportunities available to pupils at your school.


As a thank you for your valued contribution in completing the survey, Sport England and Rise, as your Active Partner are offering the following incentives to show our appreciation:

Please click on your relevant Local Authority (below) to take you through to your school's Active Lives Survey URLs.

Information for Schools

Please note that only one class per selected year group is required to complete the survey. If your school is a single form entry school, then the entire year group is required to complete the survey.

Schools can also opt in throughout the year to be part of the survey. If you would like to be part of the survey or have any queries or issues regarding the survey, please contact:

Louise Wallace (Development Manager - Rise) Email: / Phone number: 07794 312745

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