Early Years Bursary Scheme

At Rise, we value the importance of embedding physical activity and movement in the early years and want to support settings and staff across Northumberland and Tyne & Wear to have the skills, resources and confidence to do so.

As of Monday 3 April, we will be launching our Early Years Bursary scheme which will enable and support the sector to achieve this.

Who can apply?

Early Years professionals can apply on behalf of their setting, including childminders, PVI nurseries and maintained or school settings.  

What can it be spent on?  

· Purchasing equipment for the setting (this could include e.g. puddle suits to enable children to access the outdoors in all weathers, forest school equipment, sports equipment, and equipment to support children with SEND) 

· Covering costs relating to staff training or CPD as well as funds needed to cover staff release should staff be attending external training. This would include our training opportunities such as Active Start or any other CPD related to health, wellbeing and movement with a clear pathway linked to physical activity and wellbeing.


The application process will be launching on 1 April 2023, applications are to be emailed to our Empowering People Development Manager, Amy Katz (amy.katz@wearerise.co.uk) by 28 April 2023, and funding will be allocated by 31 May 2023. All funding must be used by 31 August 2023.


Schools/PVI nurseries can apply for up to £500 and childminders can apply for up to £250. 

Additional information

  • Applications can only submit one application per setting, however you can apply for multiple items in one application, for example - both training and equipment may be covered so that a staff member can buy the equipment required to implement what they have learned into their setting.

  • Applicants will have to outline how the funding would support a sustainable, long term benefit to the children in their setting. We will not fund one off or short term trips/sessions/sports coaches or core staffing costs.

  • Successful applicants will be asked to provide feedback based on the impact of the funding. This may be in the form of a short impact report, qualitative feedback, a short case study or a member of Rise staff visiting your setting, if possible.

You can download the application form and application guidance notes here.

Should you have any questions regarding your application, please contact Amy Katz (amy.katz@wearerise.co.uk).